Monday, October 29, 2007

Week 4 & RSS

I think I'm one of many who had nooooo idea what RSS was before this. I'd seen that little orange square before but never took the time to figure it all out. It's actually kind of neat! I've already added a bunch of feeds onto my bloglines account. This would save me some time (I hope!) - that growing blogroll on the krl2.0 site was starting to overwhelm me - and I could never remember what the names were of the blogs I liked to read and check in on. Now, it's just like they've delivered any new posts into my bloglines account. Only thing is, I wish that the current ones would stay there ever after you've clicked on them (like email). As I discovered, once you've supposedly read the new posts, the link becomes inactive unless you change to search parameters to display older items. Oh well. I'm not really sure that I'll actually take the time to log onto bloglines and check these. Or even whether that would save me any of that precious free time in the long run... But it's good to know it's out there. And I like how now I can read Unshelved here and not have it clogging up my inbox!

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